How to reach us
The hamlit of Poppitz is located about 7 km away from the Autobahn A14 from Leipzig to Dresden.
Arrival by car:
Autobahn A14 → Exit 33 'Leisnig' → Left turn on road S31 towards Mügeln → Left turn at the second intersection behind the village of Neusornzig into the single lane road. A sign post shows the way to Poppitz → in Poppitz, right turn into the Amselweg
Arrival with public transport:
By train and bus:
regional train 'RE50 Leipzig-Dresden' till Oschatz → bus line 803 till Mügeln-Busbahnhof → change to line 816 direction Wermsdorf till 'Nebitzschen Abzweig Schleben' (service every second hour) → walk in direction of Ablaß the oakbordered street → on top turn left into the village → turn left into Amselweg.
Walkway about 450m
By train and 'Wilder Robert' (narrow-gauge railway)
train 'RE50 Leipzig-Dresden' till Oschatz → Narrow gauge railway 'Wilder Robert' till station Nebitzschen (twice a day service, in morning and early afternoon) and with special timetable on some weekends → from station Nebitzschen follow the rail track walk to the street crossing → continue on the the oakbordered street in direction of Ablaß → on top turn left into the village → turn left into Amselweg.
Walkway about 1km
timetable 'Wilder Robert'